The Clean and Safe Seal is a standard of excellence with regard to all aspects of the Covid 19 Pandemic we are all living through. Clicking on the symbol will take you to the Portuguese authority website but in a nutshell to obtain the Seal …you must attend an on-line course, create safe operating procedures for your premises with respect to preventing or handling a Covid 19 infection and documenting same for customers and staff alike.
At Casa Luessa the owner and villa manageress completed the course and together defined the operating procedures to be implemented in the villa for the safety of customers and staff alike.
A pdf version of the procedures developed and implemented for Casa Luessa can be downloaded below.
A lot of thought has gone into creating a system for minimising the risk of Covid 19 during your stay in the villa. Cleaning procedures, PPE, appropriate chemicals, Social Distancing, Advisory Notices and reminders, Hand Disinfectants, Alcohol Sprays and much more are provided and operated by the Staff. In the unlikely event of a Covid19 infection communication channels and procedures are in place to minimise the risk to all concerned.
No-one can categorically eliminate the risk of Covid 19 ,but we have gone as far as we think can to provide a safe environment for you and your family, friends to enjoy that well earned and probably long overdue holiday, in the sun.